Join Emma Ludlow, Lead Stomal Therapist and Global Clinical Coordinator. Emma will be discussing about Quality of Life improvements for intestinal failure patients when reinfusing with The Insides System.
Listen to Maree Warne, Clinical Nurse Specialist Stomal Therapist in the Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand, speak about her experience of managing patients on The Insides System.
For this webinar series, The Insides Company is pleased to introduce Taylor Harrington, a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse. Taylor will be discussing chyme reinfusion therapy for premature babies with Necrotizing Enterocolitis.
Hints and Tips for Efficient Refeeding
Listen to Surrinder Kaur talk through troubleshooting tips and patient management goals for efficient refeeding.
This was followed by an open Q&A session.
The webinar length is approximately 15 minutes, with the Q&A running as long as required.
Join Taylor Harrington, Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse on our latest webinar series as Taylor introduces The Insides Neo, A purpose-built chyme reinfusion solution for pediatric and neonatal patients with double enterostomy.
Listen to Professor Ian Bissett as he talks through the lessons in surgery when dealing with complications, the indications for chyme reinfusion therapy, and preparing your patient to commence therapy.
This webinar is 14 minutes.
Please note this is an age-restricted video and you will need to sign in to your YouTube account to view.
Join Surrinder Kaur, Clinical Nurse Specialist and Stoma Therapist, in a discussion about troubleshooting techniques for chyme reinfusion therapy using The Insides System with a focus on the Enteroatmospheric Fistula (EAF) patient
This will be followed by an open Q&A session.
The webinar is expected to run for 15 minutes, with the Q&A running as long as required.
Proudly sponsoring this Webinar Series: GBUK Enteral and The Insides Company
Presented by The National Nurses Nutrition Group (NNNG)
Join Surrinder Kaur, Clinical Educator and Stoma Care Nurse at The Insides Company, to understand what automated chyme reinfusion is.
Surrinder will also demonstrate this on a patient education model using The Insides System. We will then discuss the application of automated chyme reinfusion for patients with intestinal failure. This will be followed by an open Q&A session. The webinar is expected to run for 15 minutes, with the Q&A running as long as required.
Join Taylor Harrington, Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse, on our latest webinar series as Taylor shares her experiences with The Insides Neo,
A purpose-built chyme reinfusion solution for pediatric and neonatal patients with intestinal failure.
Join with Emma Ludlow, CNS stomal therapist, talk about Introduction of Automated Chyme - Reinfusion Therapy for Intestinal Failure Patients
This will be followed by an open Q&A session.
The webinar is expected to run for 15 minutes, with the Q&A running as long as required.
Join Surrinder Kaur, Clinical Educator/ Stoma Care Nurse UK & EU Webinar series
on the introduction of automated Chyme - Reinfusion therapy for intestinal failure and rehabilitation
Clinical Outcomes with Chyme Reinfusion Therapy
Speaker:Professor Ian Bissett, MD
Professor of Surgery, University of Auckland, Adult Director of the NZ National Intestinal Failure and Rehabilitation Service
Practical experiences with Chyme Reinfusion Therapy
Speaker:Emma Ludlow, STN
Stoma Nurse, Chyme reinfusion specialist and Chair of the New Zealand College of Stomal Therapists
Professor Gil Hardy PhD FASPEN
ICNS Founder and Past Chair
For this webinar series, The Insides Company is pleased to introduce John Pulford, a dietitian with more than 15 years of dietetics experience in acute and community settings including over 10 years as a surgical dietitian. John will be discussing chyme reinfusion from a dietitian’s perspective.
John had previously worked at Salford Royal Foundation Hospital Trust, one of the UK’s leading intestinal failure units. He is currently practising at North Shore Hospital and ABC Nutrition.
Join Emma Ludlow, CNS Stomal Therapy, in our webinar for advanced troubleshooting of The Insides System, an automated chyme reinfusion therapy for reinfusing intestinal losses in patients with an enterostomy or fistula.
This advanced troubleshooting webinar is perfect for anyone who has had experience using The Insides System with a current or past patient, covering key topics including:
Defining Enteroatmosperhic Fistula, Device Set-Up Considerations, Possible Issue , Possible Solutions and Patient Examples.
Join Emma Ludlow, CNS Stomal Therapy, to understand what automated chyme reinfusion is. Emma will also demonstrate this on a medical mannequin using The Insides System. We will then discuss the application of automated chyme reinfusion for patients with intestinal failure. This will be followed by an open Q&A session. The webinar is expected to run for 15 minutes, with the Q&A running as long as required.
Emma will also be joined by Garth Sutherland (CEO) and Dr John Davidson (COO).