The Insides Webinar - fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery
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Experiences on Chyme Reinfusion Therapy from a Regional New Zealand Hospital

Listen to Maree Warne, Clinical Nurse Specialist Stomal Therapist in the Hawkes Bay region of New Zealand, speak about her experience of managing patients on The Insides System.

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Panelists in order of appearance:
Maree Warne

Maree has been surgical nursing for 19 years and completed the post graduate program to become a qualified stomal therapist in 2019. She then went on to complete her Master of Nursing in 2021. She loves her role and relishes the challenges it brings. Maree completed one term of Secretary and has recently been elected into Chairperson for the NZ College of Stomal Therapy Nurses.

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