What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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A common side effect of chyme reinfusion is the discomfort, nausea, and bloating felt in the first week. This soon resolves once the gut is rehabilitated.

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Un effet secondaire courant de la réinfusion de chyme est l’inconfort, les nausées et les ballonnements ressentis au cours de la première semaine. Cela se résoudra rapidement une fois l’intestin réhabilité.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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En almindelig bivirkning af chyme-reinfusion er ubehag, kvalme og oppustethed, der mærkes i den første uge. Dette løser sig snart, når tarmen er rehabiliteret.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Eine häufige Nebenwirkung der Speisebrei-Reinfusion sind Unwohlsein, Übelkeit und Blähungen in der ersten Woche. Dies verschwindet bald, sobald der Darm wiederhergestellt ist.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Een vaak voorkomende bijwerking van reïnfusie van chymus is het ongemak, de misselijkheid en het opgeblazen gevoel in de eerste week. Dit verdwijnt snel zodra de darmen zijn hersteld.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Un efecto secundario común de la reinfusión de quimo es el malestar, las náuseas y la hinchazón que se sienten durante la primera semana. Esto pronto se resuelve una vez que se rehabilita el intestino.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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En vanlig biverkning av chyme-refusion är obehag, illamående och uppblåsthet som känns under den första veckan. Detta löser sig snart när tarmen är rehabiliterad.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Kime reinfüzyonunun yaygın bir yan etkisi, ilk haftada hissedilen rahatsızlık, mide bulantısı ve şişkinliktir. Bağırsak rehabilite edildikten sonra bu durum kısa sürede çözülür.

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Częstym skutkiem ubocznym reinfuzji chymu jest dyskomfort, nudności i wzdęcia odczuwane w pierwszym tygodniu. Problem ten szybko ustępuje po rehabilitacji jelit.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Um efeito colateral comum da reinfusão do quimo é desconforto, náusea e distensão abdominal sentidos na primeira semana. Isso logo se resolve assim que o intestino é reabilitado.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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糜粥再注入の一般的な副作用は、最初の 1 週間に感じる不快感、吐き気、膨満感です。 これは腸が回復するとすぐに解決します。

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Pogost stranski učinek ponovne infuzije himusa je nelagodje, slabost in napihnjenost, ki jih občutite v prvem tednu. To se kmalu odpravi, ko se črevesje obnovi.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Ko te paheketanga noa o te chyme reinfusion ko te mamae, te nausea, me te pupuhi i te wiki tuatahi. Ka whakatauhia tenei ina kua ora te whekau

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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أحد الآثار الجانبية الشائعة لإعادة حقن الكيموس هو الشعور بعدم الراحة والغثيان والانتفاخ في الأسبوع الأول. وسرعان ما يتم حل هذه المشكلة بمجرد إعادة تأهيل القناة الهضمية.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Uobičajena nuspojava reinfuzije himusa je nelagoda, mučnina i nadutost koji se osjećaju u prvom tjednu. To se ubrzo rješava kada se crijeva oporave.‍

What are the side effects of chyme reinfusion therapy?

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Un effetto collaterale comune della reinfusione di chimo è il disagio, la nausea e il gonfiore avvertiti nella prima settimana. Questo si risolve presto una volta riabilitato l'intestino.‍

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