My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Please refer to Patient Management on the training hub and this question - What do I do about reflux?

Antimotility medication can cause constipation downstream, causing more reflux. Clinically assess for constipation and adjust the dose of antimotility medication as required. Clinically assess requirement for aperients and contact The Insides Company Clinical team for administration guidance.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Veuillez vous référer à Gestion des patients sur le centre de formation et à cette question : Que dois-je faire en cas de reflux ?

Les médicaments antimotilités peuvent provoquer une constipation en aval, provoquant davantage de reflux. Évaluez cliniquement la constipation et ajustez la dose de médicament antimotilité si nécessaire. Évaluez cliniquement les besoins en apéritifs et contactez l’équipe clinique de The Insides Company pour obtenir des conseils d’administration.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Se venligst Patient Management på træningscentret og dette spørgsmål - Hvad gør jeg ved refluks?

Antimotilitetsmedicin kan forårsage forstoppelse nedstrøms, hvilket forårsager mere refluks. Vurder klinisk for forstoppelse og juster dosis af antimotilitetsmedicin efter behov. Vurder klinisk behov for aperienter og kontakt The Insides Company Clinical team for administrationsvejledning.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter „Patientenmanagement“ im Schulungszentrum und zu dieser Frage: „Was kann ich gegen Reflux tun?“

Antimotilitätsmedikamente können stromabwärts zu Verstopfung und damit zu mehr Reflux führen. Stellen Sie klinisch fest, ob eine Verstopfung vorliegt, und passen Sie die Dosis der Motilitätshemmer nach Bedarf an. Bewerten Sie den Bedarf an Aperientien klinisch und wenden Sie sich für Hinweise zur Verabreichung an das klinische Team von The Insides Company.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Raadpleeg Patiëntbeheer op de trainingshub en deze vraag: Wat moet ik doen tegen reflux?

Antimotiliteitsmedicijnen kunnen stroomafwaarts constipatie veroorzaken, waardoor meer reflux ontstaat. Voer een klinische beoordeling uit van constipatie en pas de dosis antimotiliteitsmedicatie indien nodig aan. Beoordeel de klinische behoefte aan aperiënten en neem contact op met het klinische team van The Insides Company voor begeleiding bij de toediening.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Consulte Gestión de pacientes en el centro de capacitación y esta pregunta: ¿Qué hago con el reflujo?

Los medicamentos antimotilidad pueden causar estreñimiento aguas abajo, provocando más reflujo. Evalúe clínicamente el estreñimiento y ajuste la dosis del medicamento antimotilidad según sea necesario. Evalúe clínicamente los requisitos de aperitivos y comuníquese con el equipo clínico de The Insides Company para obtener orientación sobre la administración.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Se Patienthantering på utbildningshubben och denna fråga - Vad gör jag med reflux?

Antimotilitetsmedicin kan orsaka förstoppning nedströms, vilket orsakar mer reflux. Bedöm kliniskt för förstoppning och justera dosen av antimotilitetsläkemedel efter behov. Bedöm kliniskt behov av aptitretare och kontakta The Insides Company Clinical team för administrationsvägledning.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Lütfen eğitim merkezindeki Hasta Yönetimi'ne ve şu soruya bakın: Reflü konusunda ne yapmalıyım?

Antimotilite ilacı, daha fazla reflüye neden olarak aşağı yönde kabızlığa neden olabilir. Kabızlığı klinik olarak değerlendirin ve antimotilite ilacının dozunu gerektiği gibi ayarlayın. Aperient gereksinimini klinik olarak değerlendirin ve uygulama rehberliği için Insides Company Klinik ekibiyle iletişime geçin.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Proszę zapoznać się z sekcją Zarządzanie pacjentami w centrum szkoleniowym i zadać to pytanie – Co mam zrobić w przypadku refluksu?

Leki hamujące motorykę mogą powodować zaparcia w dalszej części, powodując częstszy refluks. Należy ocenić klinicznie, czy nie występuje zaparcie i w razie potrzeby dostosować dawkę leku hamującego motorykę. Oceń klinicznie zapotrzebowanie na aperitantów i skontaktuj się z zespołem klinicznym The Insides Company w celu uzyskania wskazówek dotyczących podawania.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Consulte Gerenciamento de pacientes no centro de treinamento e esta pergunta - O que devo fazer em relação ao refluxo?

Medicamentos antimotilidade podem causar constipação a jusante, causando mais refluxo. Avalie clinicamente a constipação e ajuste a dose do medicamento antimotilidade conforme necessário. Avalie clinicamente a necessidade de aperitivos e entre em contato com a equipe clínica da The Insides Company para obter orientação administrativa.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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トレーニング ハブの患者管理とこの質問 - 逆流についてどうすればよいですか? を参照してください。

運動抑制剤は下流で便秘を引き起こし、さらに逆流を引き起こす可能性があります。 便秘を臨床的に評価し、必要に応じて運動抑制剤の投与量を調整します。 ペリエントの要件を臨床的に評価し、投与指導については The Insides Company 臨床チームに連絡してください。

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Oglejte si Vodenje bolnikov v centru za usposabljanje in to vprašanje - Kaj naj naredim glede refluksa?

Zdravila proti gibljivosti lahko povzročijo zaprtje navzdol, kar povzroči večji refluks. Klinično ocenite zaprtje in po potrebi prilagodite odmerek zdravila proti gibljivosti. Klinično ocenite zahteve za aperiente in se obrnite na klinično skupino The Insides Company za navodila glede administracije.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Tena koa tirohia te Whakahaere Turoro i te tari whakangungu me tenei patai - Ka aha ahau mo te reflux?

Ko te rongoa antimotility ka paopao ki raro o te awa, ka nui ake te rerenga. Aromatawai haumanu mo te paopao me te whakatika i te horopeta o te rongoa antimotility ina hiahiatia. Aromatawai haumanu i nga hiahia mo nga kaitoi me te whakapa atu ki te roopu Haumanu o te Kamupene Insides mo te arahi whakahaere.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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يرجى الرجوع إلى إدارة المرضى في مركز التدريب والاطلاع على هذا السؤال - ماذا أفعل بشأن الارتجاع؟

يمكن أن تسبب الأدوية المضادة للحركة الإمساك في اتجاه مجرى النهر، مما يسبب المزيد من الارتجاع. قم بتقييم الإمساك سريريًا وضبط جرعة الدواء المضاد للحركة حسب الحاجة. قم بتقييم متطلبات المعالجين سريريًا واتصل بالفريق السريري لشركة Insides Company للحصول على إرشادات إدارية.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Pogledajte Upravljanje pacijentima na središtu za obuku i ovo pitanje - Što da radim u vezi s refluksom?

Lijekovi protiv motiliteta mogu uzrokovati zatvor nizvodno, uzrokujući veći refluks. Klinički procijenite konstipaciju i prema potrebi prilagodite dozu lijekova protiv motiliteta. Klinički procijenite zahtjeve za aperijentima i obratite se kliničkom timu The Insides Company za savjete o administraciji.

My patient is still experiencing reflux after 7 days of chyme reinfusion and is yet to open their bowels what should I do?

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Fare riferimento alla sezione Gestione del paziente nell'hub di formazione e alla domanda: Cosa devo fare in caso di reflusso?

I farmaci antimotilità possono causare stitichezza a valle, causando più reflusso. Valutare clinicamente la costipazione e aggiustare la dose dei farmaci antimotilità secondo necessità. Valutare clinicamente i requisiti per gli aperienti e contattare il team clinico di The Insides Company per indicazioni amministrative.

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