Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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No, we have not received any feedback from customers regarding this. We do strongly recommend clinicians read and understand The Insides System - Instructions for Use and the documents contained on the training hub prior to starting the device with their patient.

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Non, nous n’avons reçu aucun retour de clients à ce sujet. Nous recommandons fortement aux cliniciens de lire et de comprendre The Insides System - Mode d'emploi et les documents contenus sur le centre de formation avant de démarrer l'appareil avec leur patient.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Nej, vi har ikke modtaget feedback fra kunder vedrørende dette. Vi anbefaler kraftigt, at klinikere læser og forstår The Insides System - Brugsanvisning og dokumenterne på træningshubben, før de starter enheden med deres patient.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Nein, wir haben diesbezüglich keine Rückmeldung von Kunden erhalten. Wir empfehlen Ärzten dringend, die Gebrauchsanweisung des Insides-Systems und die auf dem Schulungs-Hub enthaltenen Dokumente zu lesen und zu verstehen, bevor sie das Gerät bei ihrem Patienten in Betrieb nehmen.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Nee, wij hebben hierover geen feedback van klanten ontvangen. We raden artsen ten zeerste aan om The Insides System - Gebruiksaanwijzing en de documenten op de trainingshub te lezen en te begrijpen voordat ze het apparaat bij hun patiënt starten.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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No, no hemos recibido ningún comentario de los clientes al respecto. Recomendamos encarecidamente a los médicos que lean y comprendan el sistema Insides: instrucciones de uso y los documentos contenidos en el centro de capacitación antes de iniciar el dispositivo con su paciente.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Nej, vi har inte fått någon feedback från kunder angående detta. Vi rekommenderar starkt att läkare läser och förstår The Insides System - Instructions for Use och dokumenten som finns på träningshubben innan de startar enheten med sin patient.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Hayır, müşterilerimizden bu konuda herhangi bir geri dönüş almadık. Klinisyenlerin, cihazı hastalarıyla birlikte başlatmadan önce Insides System - Kullanım Talimatları'nı ve eğitim merkezinde yer alan belgeleri okuyup anlamalarını önemle tavsiye ederiz.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Nie, nie otrzymaliśmy żadnych informacji zwrotnych od klientów na ten temat. Zdecydowanie zalecamy, aby klinicyści przeczytali i zrozumieli System Insides — Instrukcję obsługi oraz dokumenty zawarte w centrum szkoleniowym przed uruchomieniem urządzenia u pacjenta.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Não, não recebemos nenhum feedback dos clientes sobre isso. Recomendamos fortemente que os médicos leiam e compreendam o Sistema Insides - Instruções de uso e os documentos contidos no centro de treinamento antes de iniciar o dispositivo com seus pacientes.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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いいえ、これに関してお客様からのフィードバックはまだ受けておりません。 臨床医には、患者にデバイスを使用し始める前に、The Insides System - 使用説明書とトレーニング ハブに含まれる文書を読んで理解することを強くお勧めします。

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Ne, v zvezi s tem nismo prejeli nobenih povratnih informacij od strank. Močno priporočamo, da kliniki preberejo in razumejo The Insides System – Navodila za uporabo in dokumente, ki jih vsebuje središče za usposabljanje, preden zaženejo napravo s pacientom.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Kao, kaore ano kia whiwhi urupare mai i nga kaihoko mo tenei. E tino taunaki ana matou kia panuihia e te hunga haumanu me te maarama ki Te Pūnaha Insides - Tohutohu mo te Whakamahi me nga tuhinga kei runga i te whare whakangungu i mua i te tiimata o te taputapu me o raatau turoro.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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لا، لم نتلق أي تعليقات من العملاء بخصوص هذا الأمر. نحن نوصي بشدة الأطباء بقراءة وفهم النظام الداخلي - تعليمات الاستخدام والمستندات الموجودة في مركز التدريب قبل بدء تشغيل الجهاز مع مريضهم.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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Ne, nismo primili nikakve povratne informacije od kupaca u vezi s tim. Strogo preporučamo kliničarima da pročitaju i razumiju Insides System - Upute za uporabu i dokumente koji se nalaze na čvorištu za obuku prije pokretanja uređaja sa svojim pacijentom.‍

Have you experienced any pressure damage or perforation inside the disconnected colon while using the system?

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No, non abbiamo ricevuto alcun feedback dai clienti in merito. Raccomandiamo vivamente ai medici di leggere e comprendere The Insides System - Istruzioni per l'uso e i documenti contenuti nel centro di formazione prima di avviare il dispositivo con il paziente.‍

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