Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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We recommend using the ostomy appliance and accessories that work best for the patient. The Insides System fits within the patients preferred appliance. However, if the patient has reduced dexterity, it may be easier for them to use a 2-piece ostomy appliance. Please refer to Prior to reinfusing with The Insides System on the training hub for further guidance.

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Nous recommandons d'utiliser l'appareil de stomie et les accessoires qui conviennent le mieux au patient. Le système Insides s’adapte à l’appareil préféré du patient. Cependant, si le patient a une dextérité réduite, il peut être plus facile pour lui d'utiliser un appareil de stomie en 2 pièces. Veuillez vous référer à Avant de réinjecter The Insides System sur le centre de formation pour plus de conseils.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Vi anbefaler at bruge det stomiapparat og tilbehør, der fungerer bedst for patienten. Insides-systemet passer ind i patientens foretrukne apparat. Men hvis patienten har nedsat fingerfærdighed, kan det være lettere for dem at bruge et 2-delt stomiapparat. Se venligst Inden genfusion med The Insides System på træningshubben for yderligere vejledning.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Wir empfehlen die Verwendung der Stomavorrichtung und des Zubehörs, die für den Patienten am besten geeignet sind. Das Insides-System passt in die vom Patienten bevorzugte Apparatur. Wenn die Fingerfertigkeit des Patienten jedoch eingeschränkt ist, kann es für ihn einfacher sein, eine zweiteilige Stomaversorgung zu verwenden. Weitere Hinweise finden Sie unter „Vor der Reinfusion mit The Insides System“ im Trainings-Hub.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Wij raden u aan het stomahulpmiddel en de accessoires te gebruiken die het beste werken voor de patiënt. Het Insides-systeem past in het voorkeursapparaat van de patiënt. Als de patiënt echter een verminderde behendigheid heeft, kan het gemakkelijker voor hem zijn om een tweedelig stomahulpmiddel te gebruiken. Raadpleeg Voorafgaand aan herinfusie met The Insides System op de trainingshub voor verdere begeleiding.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Recomendamos utilizar el aparato de ostomía y los accesorios que mejor funcionen para el paciente. El sistema Insides se adapta al aparato preferido del paciente. Sin embargo, si el paciente tiene una destreza reducida, puede resultarle más fácil utilizar un aparato de ostomía de 2 piezas. Consulte Antes de reinfundir The Insides System en el centro de capacitación para obtener más orientación.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Vi rekommenderar att du använder den stomiapparat och tillbehör som fungerar bäst för patienten. Insides-systemet passar i den apparat som patienten föredrar. Men om patienten har nedsatt fingerfärdighet kan det vara lättare för dem att använda en stomiapparat i två delar. Se Innan du återinfusion med The Insides System på träningshubben för ytterligare vägledning.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Hastaya en uygun ostomi cihazını ve aksesuarlarını kullanmanızı öneririz. Insides Sistemi hastanın tercih ettiği cihaza uyar. Ancak hastanın el becerisi azalmışsa 2 parçalı ostomi aparatını kullanmak onlar için daha kolay olabilir. Daha fazla rehberlik için lütfen eğitim merkezindeki Insides Sistemini yeniden aşılamadan önce bölümüne bakın.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Zalecamy stosowanie aparatu stomijnego i akcesoriów, które najlepiej sprawdzają się w przypadku pacjenta. System Insides pasuje do preferowanego przez pacjenta aparatu. Jeśli jednak pacjent ma zmniejszoną sprawność ruchową, łatwiej będzie mu używać dwuczęściowego aparatu stomijnego. Dalsze wskazówki można znaleźć w części Przed ponownym napełnieniem systemem The Insides w centrum szkoleniowym.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Recomendamos o uso do aparelho de ostomia e dos acessórios que melhor funcionam para o paciente. O Sistema Insides cabe no aparelho preferido do paciente. No entanto, se o paciente tiver destreza reduzida, pode ser mais fácil para ele usar um aparelho de ostomia de 2 peças. Consulte Antes de reinfundir o The Insides System no centro de treinamento para obter mais orientações.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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患者にとって最適なストーマ装具と付属品を使用することをお勧めします。 Insides System は、患者が好む器具に適合します。 ただし、患者の器用さが低下している場合は、2 ピースのストーマ装具を使用する方が簡単な場合があります。 詳細については、トレーニング ハブの「The Insides System を再注入する前に」を参照してください。

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Priporočamo uporabo aparata za stomo in dodatkov, ki so najbolj primerni za bolnika. Sistem Insides se prilega pacientovemu aparatu. Če pa ima pacient zmanjšano spretnost, bo morda lažje uporabiti dvodelni aparat za stomo. Za nadaljnja navodila glejte razdelek Pred ponovno infuzijo s sistemom The Insides System v središču za usposabljanje.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Ka tūtohu mātou ki te whakamahi i te taputapu ostomy me nga taputapu e pai ana mo te manawanui. Ko te Pūnaha Insides ka uru ki roto i nga taputapu e pai ana ki nga turoro. Heoi, ki te mea kua heke te mohio o te manawanui, he ngawari ake pea ki a ia te whakamahi i te taputapu ostomy e rua nga waahanga. Tena koa tirohia I mua i te whakahoki ano me te Insides System i runga i te whare whakangungu mo etahi atu aratohu

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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نوصي باستخدام جهاز الفغرة وملحقاتها التي تناسب المريض بشكل أفضل. يتناسب النظام الداخلي مع الأجهزة المفضلة لدى المرضى. ومع ذلك، إذا كان المريض يعاني من انخفاض البراعة، فقد يكون من الأسهل عليه استخدام جهاز الفغرة المكون من قطعتين. يرجى الرجوع إلى قبل إعادة استخدام The Insides System في مركز التدريب للحصول على مزيد من الإرشادات.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Preporučamo korištenje aparata za stomu i dodataka koji najbolje odgovaraju pacijentu. Sustav Insides uklapa se u uređaj koji preferiraju pacijenti. Međutim, ako pacijent ima smanjenu spretnost, možda će mu biti lakše koristiti dvodijelni aparat za stomu. Za daljnje upute pogledajte Prije ponovne infuzije sa sustavom The Insides na središtu za obuku.‍

Do you have any suggestions on what ostomy appliances and accessories that work best with the device?

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Raccomandiamo di utilizzare l'apparecchio per stomia e gli accessori che funzionano meglio per il paziente. Il sistema Insides si adatta all'apparecchio preferito dai pazienti. Tuttavia, se il paziente ha una destrezza ridotta, potrebbe essere più semplice per lui utilizzare un dispositivo per stomia in 2 pezzi. Per ulteriori indicazioni, fare riferimento a Prima della reinfusione con The Insides System nell'hub di formazione.‍

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