When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Unless advised by the surgical team, the patient can reinfuse their chyme to the day of surgery.

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Sauf avis contraire de l’équipe chirurgicale, le patient peut réinjecter son chyme jusqu’au jour de l’intervention.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Medmindre det kirurgiske team anbefaler det, kan patienten genindføre deres chyme til operationsdagen.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Sofern nicht vom Operationsteam empfohlen, kann der Patient seinen Speisebrei bis zum Tag der Operation erneut infundieren.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Tenzij het chirurgisch team dit adviseert, kan de patiënt zijn chyme opnieuw infunderen tot de dag van de operatie.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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A menos que el equipo quirúrgico lo indique, el paciente puede reinfundir su quimo hasta el día de la cirugía.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Om inte det kirurgiska teamet ger råd kan patienten återinfundera sin chym till operationsdagen.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Cerrahi ekip tarafından tavsiye edilmediği sürece hasta, kimusunu ameliyat gününe kadar tekrar infüze edebilir.

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Tenzij het chirurgisch team dit adviseert, kan de patiënt zijn chyme opnieuw infunderen tot de dag van de operatie.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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A menos que seja aconselhado pela equipe cirúrgica, o paciente pode reinfundir o quimo no dia da cirurgia.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Če ne svetuje kirurška ekipa, lahko pacient ponovno infundira himus do dneva operacije.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Ki te kore e tohutohuhia e te roopu haparapara, ka taea e te manawanui te whakahoki ano i tana chyme ki te ra o te pokanga.

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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ما لم ينصح الفريق الجراحي، يمكن للمريض إعادة حقن الكيموس الخاص به حتى يوم الجراحة.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Osim ako to ne savjetuje kirurški tim, pacijent može reinfuzirati himus do dana operacije.‍

When should I stop chyme reinfusion therapy, I am due to have my reversal surgery?

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Se non consigliato dall'équipe chirurgica, il paziente può reinfondere il chimo fino al giorno dell'intervento.‍

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