The Insides Conference - The Insides Neo - fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery
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WCET® & ASCN UK Joint Congress

WCET® & ASCN UK Joint Congress in Glasgow, Scotland

28th September - 1st October 2024

On behalf of the WCET® - ASCN UK 2024 Congress Organising Committee, it gives us great pleasure to invite you to save the date for the 23rd WCET® Biennial Congress in association with ASCN UK entitled.

This congress will give us all the opportunity to embrace new ideas on stoma, wound and continence management, empowering us to render a professional service to those in need of special care. Attending the WCET® - ASCN UK 2024 Congress will give you the opportunity to connect with the most influential professionals advancing practice in Stoma, Wound and Continence.

Don’t miss this important opportunity to connect with your colleagues and Joint Congress delegates from around the world! We look forward to welcoming you to the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, Scotland in September 2024!


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