The Insides Conference - The Insides Neo - fistuloclysis, distal feeding, best, alternative to parenteral nutrition, fistula, ostomy, ileostomy, chyme, enteral, oral nutrition, enteromate, intestinal failure, colon cancer, bowel cancer, gut cancer, ostomy appliance, high output, chyme, dehydration, defunctioned, ileus, lars, microbiome, lower interior resection syndrome, incontinent, incontinence, gut health, reversal surgery
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Pediatric Society of NZ Annual Meeting

Ngā mihi nui!

Thank you to all the delegates, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors who supported and participated in The Paediatric Society of New Zealand Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa 74th Annual Meeting held in Rotorua from Wednesday 8 – Friday  10 November 2023.  Special Interest Group Meetings were also held at Novotel Rotorua Lakeside on Tuesday 7 November 2023.

What a special Conference we had and wonderful being able to reconnect again.

Thank you for your time and participation - we look forward to seeing you all again soon!  Make sure you have the dates locked in your diary now for 2024, being held 12 - 15 November 2024 - Ōtepoti Dunedin.

Conference Convenors
Drs Danny de Lore and Sonja Crone
Mātanga Āhuatanga Tamariki (Paediatrician)

Lakes District Health Board

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